Categories Miscellaneous


Just wanted to let you all know that I opened a new source for the lovely young actress Ellen Page! Be sure to check out the site and let me know what you think :heart:

Categories Site Updates

Rare Hilary clippings for sale!

Hope you all had great holidays and are looking forward to the new year! I’m going to sell my collection of magazines and clippings because I have it all scanned and we simply need money to buy the latest magazines with Hilary and her new movies on DVD. It cost a lot for us to get the new magazines and to get the DVDs to make captures and video clips.

The collection is 300+ or something and includes a lot of rare magazines, such as the Italian Vogue. If you’re interested in support the site please mail me at with your offer for the clippings and if you just want to send some dollars to support the site that is appreciated as well of course!

Categories Miscellaneous

Off-Topic: A Plea for Help

I would normally not post and ask for donations but this is an emergency. Mycah, fellow,, and Glamour Reese Witherspoon (these last three are co-run with Riikka) webmistress, is in a horrible situation right now. Her house burned down earlier this week and she really needs our help. If you enjoy her work on her sites and can spare anything at all, please consider donating. She is okay but her family lost their home and all possessions and they have no place to stay. You can read about the incident here. If you can help at all, Mycah’s PayPal address is I’m sure that any donations will be more than appreciated!

Categories Site Updates


Once again we apologize for the downtime of the site but it really haven’t been our own faults. We have had so many problems with our old host and this time he kicked us out for good. So we had to find a new host at once + move the site again! And this site is huge so it takes many many days to download and upload all content. But most stuff are up now and working, some photos are still being uploaded so be patient, please. We will be back to basic and be the most up to date source on our lovely Ms. Swank!