Hilary’s Own Zoo

This page is dedicated to Hilary and her ex-husbands Chad’s huge family. In fact, its so huge that we at Hilary-Swank.com have some trouble keeping up but hopefully we got all information correct. Besides showing her love for animals as a pet owner, Hilary is also a dedicated vegetarian and supporter of animal rights.

– We are unsure if any of her pets has passed away but we do know that she has one more cat and atleast one more dog now.

“I wanted pets growing up, but my parents always said no. So when Chad and I moved in together, I said, ‘Just so you know, when I bring home an animal, you have to be OK with it.’ That was my only moving-in-together stipulation. Fortunately, he loves animals, so we have a big family!” – Hilary

DEUCE Hilary has given Deuce, a black cat, a home since 2000. Apparently Deuce is supremely unfazed by the dog pound.

Karoo, a nearly four year old Jack Russell/Corgi mix, is a stray dog that Hilary fell in love with while shooting Red Dust in Graaff-Reinet in the Eastern Cape (desert town of Karoo – hence the dog’s name – ‘Karoo’ is South African for countryside). Incredibly taken by the dog Hilary made arrangements to bring Karoo back to American with her. “I found Karoo while on location with Red Dust – totally flea-ridden, starving, ticks in ears, the whole thing! So I brought her back with me. When I find a stray animal, it doesn’t matter where it comes from if it means saving its life. Karoo is a good girl and she’s become so famous!”

These days Hilary is very rarely seen without Karoo. She takes her best friend to fashion shoots and film sets. Karoo even has a scene in Million Dollar Baby. She can be seen sitting in a car, held by Clint Eastwood’s daughter at the gas station. Maggie flashes the most loving smile at them, which most likely is not just acting!

TANNER Hilary and Chad have provided Tanner a home for many years. Hilary is often pictured jogging with Tanner around New York City.

LUNA Hilary got Luna, a huge bunny as birthday gift from Chad when she turned 25 years old. Apparently they went into a barn and it was love at first sight.

“You know when you just have a bond with something? So when Chad asked what I wanted for my birthday, instead of this beautiful, thousand-dollar luggage set he had picked out, I was like, ‘No, no, I want this bunny.’ So he bought him. His name is Luna, and Luna is having a very happy life.”


Seuss is a South African Gray parrot that Hilary has had since she moved together with Chad. Seuss is named after Dr. Seuss, one of Hilary’s favorite authors.

“I hand-raised him from his egg”, says Hilary of her oldest living pet.

Clever Seuss also talks. “When Seuss wakes up it’s ‘Good morning!’ And during the day it’s ‘Goodbye! I love you!’ He rules the house.”

One of the newest additions to Hilary’s family is the green parrot who can be seen pictured with Seuss on the right. Unfortunately we have no further information on him.


In October 2008 Hilary adopted Rumi (Golden Retriever mix) through IH4TH at a Los Angeles shelter. Hilary named Rumi after the famous Persian poet, known for writing poems that bring people to love. Rumi has since lived up to his name bringing much love into Hilary’s life.

Previous members of the zoo <3


Lucky is a German Shepherd/Labarador Retriever mix whom Hilary saved from the pound.