Categories Site Updates

Photoshoots update

Just a quick notice to tell you that you don’t have to panic. I’m redoing all the photoshoots, portraits and press conferences and I have a lot of new photos to add and in better quality and it will be more in order this time. So just wait and you will think it’s worth it 🙂

Categories Gallery Updates

New candids

Hilary attends the Los Angeles Dodgers vs New York Mets game Monday- June 11

Categories Gallery Updates

New candids

Hilary greets a friend with flowers and a hug in Pacific Palisades on June 7.

Categories Site Updates

Freedom Writers videos!

A surprise update for you all to enjoy! 🙂 Fixed 3 video clips and videos of the extras from Hilary’s recently released movie, Freedom Writers. Hilary is so adorable in the extras, she’s dancing and being goofy 🙂 I’m making DVD Captures and they will be added in some days. If you haven’t bought this movie yet, be sure to do so! On the DVD you can also listen to Hilary and the director Richard LaGravenese comment on the whole movie, it’s very fun and Hilary is amusing!