Frequently Asked Questions

Who are running the site?
My names is Mary and you can read more about me here and about the site here.

Do you get paid for this?
No we don’t earn anything on the site and we pay for all magazines, clippings, movies, etc ourselves.

How did you make this site?
We did all the html in Editpad and all graphics has been made in Paint Shop Pro 9 or Adobe Photo Shop. The domain is hosted at Free Fansite Hosting and the domain was bought at We use WordPress for our daily news and Coppermine for our gallery and video archive – we can recommend all of these scripts!

Why did close?
Maria started in December 2004 and had the site for several months, after Hilary got her second oscar for Million Dollar Baby she got amazingly popular again and Maria simply didn’t have the time to run the site any longer. With school and work in “real life”.

Our friend Stef took over the site for some months but even she got lack of time after a while and now some months later we decided to re-open Hilary Swank Fan at domain, because we missed the site terribly! And in May 2008 the site changed it’s url to and the site now celebrates 7 years online! In 2008/2009 Maria had to leave the site as main webmaster because of lack of time but she still is a staffer at the site. And in 2016 the site can be find at it’s current domain –

Has Hilary ever been to this site?
Yes, we got it confirmed that she has visited the site several times!

How do I contact the staff of this site?
Mail us, or use the form to contact us. Remember that we’re not Hilary and we have no contact with her or her management!

Where do I send photos, fanart I want to contribute with, avatars and such?
Please send them to us through our contacting page.

• Gallery
Where are all the photos from?
All of the photos in the gallery has been scanned, capped, searched for by us and so on, this took lots of time and was hard work so please don’t just steal the photos from here! Some things gets donated as well and we always appreciate that.

Can I please use your photos on my own site?
No, but yes. Ask us in an e-mail.